Our void properties service is all about minimising the cost of empty homes. We secure, inspect, repair and improve thousands of vacant properties every year to make sure they’re back in use as quickly as possible. We can also liaise with utilities to ensure a smooth transition from one tenancy to the next.
We know that when a tenant moves out, an efficient re-let process is important. And that’s why we work closely with clients to understand what you’re looking for from your void turnaround contractor.
A top quality, speedy turnaround
We ensure that clear void standards agreements are in place with clients detailing specifications and cost-approvals before work starts on site. By doing this we are able to reduce the number of joint client/contractor visits, and cut void turnaround time so that you can re-let homes faster.
Clear audit trails
As part of our voids process, we self-audit work at every stage with photographic evidence of before and after works, whilst working closely with client representatives to facilitate any additional inspections or audits and deliver a robust handover process.
Flexibility when it counts
Our business model allows us to be flexible to your changing needs. By having 90% directly employed labour, we have a team on hand when you need them. And our pool of pre-approved subcontractors means that we’re able to maintain this service level during peaks in workload.
The scope of works is different from contract to contract and is dependent on individual client requirements. However, common works often include electrical safety checks, gas safety checks, minor property repairs, decorating and cleaning.
Liberty is a national property services business with regional hubs across England and Wales allowing us to deliver a personal, locally based service. Currently, our voids service delivers contracts in North Wales, London and the South East and North West England.