Continuing our partnership with Linc Cymru
Following a successful tender process, Liberty has been awarded a contract for the provision of gas and other fuel heating systems service, repair and maintenance by Linc Cymru Housing Association.
The Liberty team in Cardiff have been working with Linc delivering heating service and maintenance for around 8 years and Liberty is pleased to continue this partnership which will keep Linc’s tenants safe and warm in their homes.
The contract is worth circa £400k per annum and runs for three years, with the option to extend for up to two more years.
The contract, which covers 4,894 homes in South Wales, will see Liberty deliver gas service and maintenance, as well as maintenance to zero-carbon and low carbon heating systems including air source heat pumps and solar thermal water heating.
Louise Attwood, Executive Director of Property at Linc said: “We are really pleased to continue working with Liberty on all things heating across Linc. They have demonstrated their ability to deliver excellent customer service and we are looking forward to working with them to further enhance the current offer to develop modern innovative services that are responsive to our tenants needs in this ever digital world.”