Liberty supports groundbreaking university and industry collaboration
Liberty played play a part in a groundbreaking new collaboration between Loughborough University and energy specialists VEXO International on a series of experimental testing both on purpose-built test rigs and live building studies.
Liberty constructed the VEXO test rig, which has been designed by VEXO’s in-house engineering and product development team working with Loughborough University students.
The rig will enable students to conduct product evaluation tests and develop understanding of the effects of things like poor water quality and biological growth on common pipework materials to improve the energy performance of heating and cooling systems.
The PhD research backed by VEXO International is the first of its kind and will provide valuable data for the industry to help inform the development of global water treatments aligned to the introduction of zero carbon technologies.
With buildings and the construction sector responsible for 36% of global energy consumption and nearly 40% of total direct and indirect CO2 emissions, with 60% of the energy used for heating hot water and cooling, this project will play an important part in informing system designs for the future to achieve the UK’s ambitious climate change targets.
Liberty’s Commercial Field Manager, Mark Page, and his team collaborated with VEXO International to construct and build the test rig in Portsmouth before it was sent to Loughborough University’s laboratories.
He commented: “Liberty was delighted to collaborate on this project and use our expertise to build this innovative test rig, which will provide valuable insight into the correlation between hydronic water quality and energy efficiency. Evidence and data are key to delivering a low carbon future for the UK, ensuring that investments in the new technologies and energy systems of the future achieve the best possible energy efficiencies. This project is a real opportunity to inform best practice across the globe.”