Big Energy Saving Week: How can you reduce your energy bills?
This week is the Big Energy Saving Campaign; a national campaign which aims to help and encourage people to save energy while cutting down on fuel costs at the same time.
Created by Citizens Advice, the Energy Saving Trust and the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the week is a chance for us all to learn more about the support available.
As several energy supplies go bust, more and more households are experiencing fuel poverty as prices continue to rise. The campaign’s goal is to ensure consumers are not paying too much for their energy and have all the information they need to keep warm this winter.
There are a number of Government grants and schemes available to help cover the cost of fuel bills and make homes more energy efficient:
- Winter Fuel Payments: This is a payment made to people who have reached Pension Credit age
- Cold Weather Payments: If you are on certain benefits, you may be eligible for these if the weather in your area falls to 0° centigrade or below for seven days in a row
- Warm Home Discount: If your electricity supplier belongs to this scheme and you’re getting the guarantee part of Pension Credit, you will automatically get an annual discount of £140 off your electricity bill. You may also be eligible if you are on a low income and meet your energy supplier’s criteria for the scheme
- Grants for Energy Efficiency: If you are on a low income and claim one of a range of income and disability related benefits, you may be able to get a grant to help with the costs of improving the energy efficiency of your home. For example, by updating heating systems or installing insulation.
For more information on how to be in the ‘energy know how’ read the handy guide provided by Citizens Advice below or visit their website here.