Property services business Liberty has secured a new framework supporting social housing landlord Home Group provide heating services.
Liberty is one of three contractors undertaking all aspects of gas, solid fuel and low/zero carbon technology works over four years within 6,466 void and occupied properties to support Home Group’s DLO team within the North East of England.
The types of works within the contract include; one-off boiler/full heating installation works, routine repairs of gas, solid fuel and air source heat pumps (ASHP) installations, annual servicing and associated remedial works of gas, solid fuel and ASHP installations and the renewal of mains powered fire and CO detectors, or installation of battery-operated detectors.
Kevin Walton, Operations Manager at Liberty said: “We are really pleased to be supporting Home Group with heating services across over 6,000 properties. This new framework expands an existing heating and maintenance contract for 4,700 homes in Sunderland. It shows our smart, people-focused ethos is making a long-lasting impact and we look forward to growing our partnership with Home Group.”
Nusheen Hussain, Executive Director at Home Group said: “We congratulate Liberty in their successful bid to join our heating services framework and look forward to continuing our work with a trusted partner.
“With this partnership, we will be able to continue to deliver reliable heating services and repairs to customers across the North East of England. Ensuring our customers’ homes are warm and working efficiently is a key priority and this framework ensures we have the necessary expertise available to make that happen.
“It aligns to our customer promise to provide every person with a safe place to live and deliver a reliable repairs service. These are commitments we will not compromise on.”